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Dear Parents, 

Congratulations! Your daughter just informed you that she is interested in becoming a Sorority Woman. We understand that you may be feeling one of two emotions at this time, either excited or anxious. We are aware and completely understand any concerns that you may have upon hearing this news. Trust me, every sorority woman’s parents have been there too! We are happy that you have decided to do some research on Panhellenic and Sorority life at Oakland University and would like to welcome you to Oakland University Panhellenic Council's website.


By choosing to join a sorority you can find comfort with the fact that as a member of any of our chapters, your daughter will have a support system that will help with this transition. ​​Not only does each chapter have a strong sisterhood, but they strive for high academic achievements and giving back to the community. She will gain skills in communication, time management, and leadership. Most of all she will begin to create a network for herself that will help with her career choice in the future. ​


We encourage you to explore the Parents section of our website to read testimonies from the parents and family members of active sorority women of our Panhellenic community, learn about the benefits of sorority life, and be invited to attend our Formal Recruitment Orientation and Parents Meeting on Sunday, September 11th to have any and all of your questions and concerns about Sorority life at Oakland University addressed by members of our executive board. 



Vice President of Recruitment



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